International hit “The Wizard's Den” is a unique magical show designed and curated for lovers of magic and fantasy. Originally started in Sydney, Australia as a pop-up theatrical production with a limited three month run, Alex’s show was such a runaway success that it has been running continually over the last six years - including an online version that was developed to operate during COVID!
An immersive experience like never before. Don robes, earn your wand and brew delicious cocktail potions in cauldrons using the ingredients you collect yourself by solving riddles. Discover the magic and enchantment today!
Audiences join our actors on a narrative journey as they unravel the mystery of Morticia Le Mort and the magic school she founded. Will they decide that the peace of eternal rest is a well deserved end for this powerful witch? Or will they instead rule that true love is the greatest good and attempt to bring her back from the dead. In the end, the audience will decide!
The Wizard's Den:
* An immersive 90 minute theatrical experience with actors and an evolving narrative.
* Chat to the talking painting of Morticia and ask her questions!
* Use fire to reveal the hidden messages written on ancient dragon silver.
* Try a game against chessboard that moves of it’s own free will!
* Use magic to summon your personal spellboook which contains recipes and hints about the ingredients you will need to brew a good-luck potion.
* Riddles and unique fun puzzles to solve.
* Come experience the magic and get potion making!